• "Photography should help to point out the difects/merits of the things and not to hide/exceed them with photo editors..."

    Change: The only variable that is constant in time


    Meet The Author

    Hey! It's me HARPREET SINGH BOLA (HSB)...I was born in India at Punjab on 04/10/1991, lived in Gujrat for 14 years and then i came here in Italy.

    Recently I have completed my studies as Dental technician and now I am studying Computer Engineering at University of Parma - Italy, surprised!?...me too :P

    I like photography because I think it is like a "Visual poetry" that can express the different ways of observing the things...so that's the reason I say:
    "Photography should help to point out the difects/merits of the things and not to hide/exceed them with photo editors..."

    Note: All material on this website has no intention to hurt anyone/anything and is subject to copyright - © Harpreet Singh Bola Productions.

    Thank you for visiting.


    Harpreet Singh Bola

    Harpreet Singh Bola

    Bola Photography

    Bola Photography


    Visit/follow/contact me on Facebook | Google+.
    Email and Hangouts: harpreetsinghbola@gmail.com Skype: harpreetskypex
    Second Website: hsbphotography.tk